Eng - Ita
Always in love with beauty in all its forms, Monica turns her passion into a job since school days. The school process is then divided into academic study and practice, applying her knowledge in the exhibitions of which she is supervisor.
Trade shows and exhibitions continue even after the studies with the street art, the reenactment decorations, photography and publishing illustrations.
In business world Monica works in communication agencies before and design companies after. Both experiences form and direct her to the natural tendency to search for perfection and detail attention: fixed points of all her works. Meanwhile she improves her decoration skills in various areas: interior, exterior, glass, ceramics, decoration with flowers, scrapping, etc ... However, she continues to perfect herself even in computer graphics, benefiting from advanced courses and field experience.
In 2001 she moved to Scotland (Edinburgh) for a brief period of semi-working exprerience. There she has the opportunity to stay in contact with some local artists that inspire her creative point of view.
Back in Italy she works as a freelance for lots of reality and starts seriously the photographic journey.
Currently she cures the product photograph, from the point of view of the trigger to the post-production, while delighting in still life and nature portraits. She also writes for two magazines and runs a blog on innovation of creative design.
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Trade shows and exhibitions continue even after the studies with the street art, the reenactment decorations, photography and publishing illustrations.
In business world Monica works in communication agencies before and design companies after. Both experiences form and direct her to the natural tendency to search for perfection and detail attention: fixed points of all her works. Meanwhile she improves her decoration skills in various areas: interior, exterior, glass, ceramics, decoration with flowers, scrapping, etc ... However, she continues to perfect herself even in computer graphics, benefiting from advanced courses and field experience.
In 2001 she moved to Scotland (Edinburgh) for a brief period of semi-working exprerience. There she has the opportunity to stay in contact with some local artists that inspire her creative point of view.
Back in Italy she works as a freelance for lots of reality and starts seriously the photographic journey.
Currently she cures the product photograph, from the point of view of the trigger to the post-production, while delighting in still life and nature portraits. She also writes for two magazines and runs a blog on innovation of creative design.
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Da sempre amante della bellezza in ogni sua forma, Monica trasforma la sua passione in lavoro sin dai tempi della scuola. L'iter scolastico si divide quindi in studio e pratica, applicando il proprio sapere nelle mostre di cui è supervisore.
Mostre ed esibizioni continuano anche dopo gli studi nell'ambito della street art, delle rievocazioni storiche, della fotografia e dell'illustrazione editoriale.
Il mondo del lavoro la vede impegnata in agenzie di comunicazione prima e in aziende di design dopo. Entrambi formano e indirizzano la sua tendenza alla ricerca della perfezione e del particolare: punti fissi di ogni sua opera. Nel frattempo affina le sue capacità decorative nei settori più svariati: interni, esterni, vetro, infiorate, scrapping, ecc... Tuttavia continua a perfezionarsi anche nella grafica computerizzata, traendo benefici da corsi avanzati ed esperienza sul campo.
Nel 2001 si trasferisce in Scozia (Edimburgo) per una breve parentesi semi-lavorativa durante la quale perfezione l'inglese ed ha la possibilità di stare a contatto con alcuni artisti del luogo che la ispirano dal punto di vista creativo.
Tornata in Italia lavora come free lance per le realtà più svariate e inizia seriamente il percorso fotografico.
Attualmente cura la fotografia del prodotto dal punto di vista dello scatto alla post-produzione, pur dilettandosi nello still life e nei ritratti naturalistici. Scrive per due riviste e gestisce un blog sull'innovazione del design creativo.
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